Dong-Ha Min

  • Associate Professor of Instruction
  • Marine Science
Profile image of Dong-Ha Min

Contact Information


Research Interests

Main goals of my research are (i) to better understand physical and biogeochemical processes in the marine environments, and (ii) to better delineate the responses of the environment to climate forcing, in various temporal and spatial scales. To achieve these goals I utilize physical and chemical analysis methods, analyze large-scale ocean data, and develop conceptual models. I conduct my research with 3 different spatial scopes: (i) global- to basin-, (ii) regional-, and (iii) local-scales. I measure trace gases such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in the ocean at ultra-trace level as decadal-scale transient tracers of ocean circulation and ventilation processes. This is to understand basin (i.e. Pacific Ocean) to regional (e.g. Gulf of Mexico) scale processes, and analyze basin-scale ocean data to detect decadal-scale ocean property changes in response to recent climate change.

Current Research

“US GO-SHIP 2021-2026 Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements,” NSF, $896,568, (2021- 2026)

- will participate P2 cruise (2022)

“Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements, 2015-2020,” NSF, $656,692, (2015- 2020)

- participated P6 (2017), I6 (2019), and P2 (2022) cruises

Oceanographic data analysis work

* student position in the Min lab: December 2022 - May 2023

* Analysis of oceanographic data by using Matlab programs

* Generating various data outputs and graphics per PI's needs


Linux program management work

* student position in the Min lab: December 2022 - May 2023

* Maintaining the Linux computers in the lab

* Managing the linux-based instrument operation programs


Sea-going opportunity (closed)

We are looking for students and early career scientists to participate in each of two legs of a hydrographic cruise across the North Pacific along 30N on the R/V Revelle. The first leg (~7 weeks April-June 2022) sails from Guam to Honolulu. The second leg (~4.5 weeks June-July 2022) picks up in Honolulu and sails to San Diego. Please find more information about this opportunity here GO-SHIP_P02_2022_Student_Opportunity. Deadline for applications is November 30, 2021. [positions filled @ 12/15/21]

Research Areas

  • Oceans and Freshwater

Fields of Interest

  • Physical Oceanography
  • Marine Chemistry


  • PhD in Oceanography, University of California San Diego (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) - 1999
  • MS in Oceanography, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea - 1989
  • BS in Oceanography (minor in Chemistry), Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea - 1987


  • 2020 UT Experiential Learning Initiative Faculty Ambassador (2020-2021)
  • 2014 UT Services for Students with Disabilities Clock Award
  • 2013 UT College of Natural Sciences Teaching Excellence Award